Ditch Microsoft & Google Today!

One Platform.
Endless Solutions.

Custom Solutions For Non-Profits

0 %

Of User Data

Will be exposed to cyber theft of unauthorized access, and less than half of that data will be secure.

Source: Data Dividend Project

Eliminate Your Digital Liability

How Secure Is Your Data?

Liberation was formed for the sole purpose of helping businesses achieve digital independence and peace of mind. Our independent platform eliminates the digital liabilities that plague businesses and their digital assets.


We can boost your bottom line with a customized contribution system that integrates with your website.

3 Tiered Security

We have developed a customized and robust security protocol that keeps your site safe on multiple levels.


We can boost your bottom line with a customized membership platform that boosts giving and participation.

Endless Integrations

Our custom solutions integrate with hundreds of third party applications that give you.a complete platform.

Mobile Ready

Mobile is the most widely used device and we go the extra mile to make sure your website is responsive.


We can integrate an automated, inventory-free, custom merchandise solutions that will take your e-commerce to a new level.

Secure Analytics

Or self-hosted, Google Analytics replacement provides data about every aspect of your business.

Payment Processing

Our payment processing provides a robust, competitive, and safe solution that integrates with all of our solutions.

Customized Solutions
Built For Non-Profit Growth

Liberation understands the needs of the modern church. We have a vast wealth of customizable solutions to meet the needs of any size non-profit.

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Designed For Your Membership

Connect With Members

Magnify Your Message With Custom Media Solutions

Live streaming is a critical component if you are trying to maximize your message. Liberation offers custom streaming and video on demand solutions.

Private Member Networks

Take Your Membership To The Next Level

Boost Giving

Improve Giving Via Online, SMS, And More

Our customized giving solutions are built around your congregation’s needs.

Need A Custom Solution?

mobile solutions

Custom Applications

Our custom configured servers work great with WordPress, the leading CMS.

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Advanced Security

Our custom configured servers work great with WordPress, the leading CMS.


Custom E-commerce

We customize your e-commerce to fit your business needs and goals for maximum profits.

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Don’t like managing? We offer managed services for hosting, ecommerce, web sites, and more.

Our Promise Of Digital Independence

Liberating Your Digital World Is Our Passion

Get Started By Transferring Your Website To Liberation

Liberation can transfer your website content from most site builder platforms.

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Ready To Transfer?

Have Questions?

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Global Edge Network

We utilize a global CDN edge network
for enhanced speed and security.

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